Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Pre-Ghana Reflection

Last night in America for 6 months!! Everything is feeling so surreal at the moment, thanks all for supporting me on this crazy once-in-a-lifetime journey! Ready for a day of traveling tomorrow!  Let's get this trip started!

1 comment:

  1. We'll miss you bunches, girl. It's sad to watch you go, but I couldn't be happier for ya. The way life in Ghana's such a dynamic change from life we have here is mind boggling and eye opening. To be frank, I'm actually quite jealous! To embrace the world and its people has been a dream I've had since i was young, Although, recently I've been getting more and more enticed by the thought. I guess your openness to people and their lifestyles has rubbed off on me ;). So now that you're able to live my dream, I want you to document as MUCH as you can. Stay busy and meet lots of new friends, love!
    Your good friend,
